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A diamond polishing tool attached to a vacuum gently removes dead skin cells, debris and impurities; Instantly smoothes, brightens and increases circulation, which stimulates collagen. Great for skin that's visibly dry, leathery or pigmented and Keratosis Pilaris

Diamond microdermabrasion is still the leading and preferred method for safely exfoliating the skin in comparison to other popularized treatments such as crystal microdermabrasion or the HydraFacial, also known as hydrodermabrasion which risks undiagnosable reactions due to combining active chemical exfoliants with the abrasion and the suction. These modalities are best done separately, the skin responds better to diamond microderms in conjunction with an appropriate facial for the complexion in hand


Microderms clear pores of trapped keratin and makeup. It's ideal for those who are naturally shiny, actively scaling, have congested or textured skin that to the touch one would describe as feeling like they're touching crumbs on a sheet. Microdermabrasion not only leaves the skin squeaky-clean but also helps it absorb invested skincare items better the following weeks


Microdermabrasion requires no downtime, it's safe for all tones and those pregnant or breastfeeding​ however individuals who suffer from vascular disorders such as rosacea or telangiectasia should avoid this treatment as suction can worsen either issue

1 hour | $150 ( with facial $200 )


Watch a microdermabrasion treatment here

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